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Women's Health

Women’s Health

Soy milk, tofu, and meat substitutes are all the rage in the vegan and vegetarian community. These products provide all essential amino acids, making soy one of the few complete plant proteins on the planet. Despite soy’s high nutrient content, there are some dangers to soy that typically go unnoticed. Not only does soy contain nutritive inhibitors that prevent nutrient absorption, some research suggests that the plant may hinder thyroid health, especially in the presence of iodine deficiency. [1] (more…)

Every once in a great while, a perfect child is born. One who never cries, sleeps all night, and gladly eats whatever food you choose to put in front of them. But unfortunately for most of us with children, developing lifestyle habits, such as a healthy appreciation for nutritious fruits and vegetables, usually requires years of continual work. (more…)

Research by investigators at Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, in West Virginia, suggests that regularly eating a few ounces of walnuts could significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women [1]. (more…)

Fluoride, a questionable chemical added to drinking water and toothpaste for the oft-repeated goal of preventing tooth decay, may be responsible for certain childhood mental disorders, according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health. The researchers looked at various chemicals that children are regularly exposed to and found that several, including fluoride, are directly related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other mental issues.[1] (more…)

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves the use of pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat. (more…)