Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

I recently received an email from the Environmental Working Group concerning a new herbicide, Enlist Duo. This toxic product is produced by the Dow Chemical Company, a multinational, multibillion-dollar organization leading the charge in proliferating the food supply with genetically-modified crops. At the moment, the Dow Chemical Company is seeking approval from the EPA to market this herbicide to farmers as a potent weed killer. This herbicide, like so many, offers harm than good by interfering with human health. (more…)

The garbage passed off as food today and the high rates of digestive disorders plaguing the nation make it clear that the importance of the digestive process is not understood. Digestion is a process that can affect our daily quality of life, playing a direct role in our mental health and mood.[1] In essence, digestion is where our health begins, and recent research has blatantly illustrated this fact. Let's look at how the digestive system performs its function and discuss the key facts you need to know when seeking to […]

Infertility and low libido, common symptoms associated with male dysfunction, have been heavily researched and written about for centuries. Henry VIII, the famous King of England during the sixteenth century, is a prime example. He did his best to hide his infertility from the public, blaming his many wives for his impotency; even going so far as placing them on the chopping block. With today’s science, men can no longer blame these issues on other people or outside circumstances. Luckily, there are some safe and simple options available that may […]

Brahmi, or Bacopa monnieri, is a therapeutic plant used in Ayurveda for many purposes. Modern research has even begun to evaluate Brahmi's role against several neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Although we need to be clear that Brahmi isn't a cure or treatment for any of these health issues, supplementation with the herb has been evaluated and the results are interesting discussion nonetheless. (more…)

Food nourishes both the body and mind, offering the nutrition required for keeping the whole self energized and functioning at its best. You might — or might not — be surprised to learn that the brain is actually the first site that receives incoming nutrients. It makes sense, since it is the organ that directs the other organs, cells, and metabolic processes. So what happens if we're nutritionally deficient; can it affect the brain? While nutritional deficiencies do not always exhibit grand mental or psychological symptoms, lesser subclinical indications can […]

Women's Health