Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Frustrated with lackluster hair, dry skin, and brittle nails? You are not alone. There is a multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry built on your hopes and dreams of shiny hair, strong nails, and supple, hydrated skin. But do the potions and tonics you apply to your tresses leave them dull and lifeless? Are your nails prone to splitting and cracking? Are your knees ashy an hour after applying lotion? There's a reason why. (more…)

Coenzymes are required in many enzymatic and metabolic processes in your body, in plants, and in animals. Without coenzymes, inactive enzymes would be unable to convert into their active forms to catalyze reactions, such as breaking down food for energy. Coenzymes are essential for normal and specialized cellular functions and your overall health. One of the reasons vitamins are so integral to your health is because many coenzymes are synthesized using vitamins. Some of the more well-known coenzymes you may have heard of include coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ) and coenzyme A […]

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Biologically speaking, iron is a trace mineral and an essential nutrient that your body requires to function properly. It helps with immune function, detoxification, and the creation of several proteins and enzymes.[1] One of these proteins is hemoglobin, a complex protein used by red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. (more…)

Iron deficiency knows no borders, it's common throughout the world and in all economic classes. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 30% of the world's population has an iron status that is considered below normal. This may seem like a wildly inflated or inaccurate figure, but healthy adults only store about 3-4 grams of iron in their bodies. This is an incredibly small amount of this essential element and the loss of just a few extra milligrams every day can quickly add up to an iron deficiency.[1] (more…)

Macronutrients are defined as chemical substances required in large amounts by the body for survival. The three macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. If you’ve heard anyone talking about "macros," they’re referring to these critical nutrients. Some people also call alcohol a macronutrient, since it is processed differently from carbs, fats, and proteins. Of course, alcohol is not one of the three major classes of substances the body requires in large amounts – despite what some college students may think. But it’s the only other substance people consume in relatively […]

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