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Recently I talked about the dangers of lead and how, at one time, lead was used as heavily as plastic. Not anymore. Lead was discovered to be highly toxic and the use of it in products like paint, toys, and electronics drastically declined. There is concern now that we're in a similar position with plastic. Let's look at a few reasons why you might want to consider going completely plastic free. (more…)

For a long time in our history, using lead to produce various everyday items was common. Largely because of how easy it was to work with. It wasn't odd to go into a well-to-do 17th-century home and eat off of a lead plate or pour water from a lead jug. Eventually people realized it was toxic, and its use declined. Flash forward to the 21st century: lead may not be in as many things, but it’s still a threat, so here are 8 horrible things you should know about this […]

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Unless you’re living a completely organic lifestyle off in the woods somewhere, pesticides are something you’re probably exposed to on a daily basis. Not only are they sprayed on our food, they’re permeating the air we breathe and infiltrating the water we drink. What can you do about it? Well, if nothing else, you can become more aware of the pervasiveness of pesticides and their effects. Having more knowledge about their presence can be helpful for knowing how to avoid them. Get ready though: today’s facts about pesticides are depressing. […]

Just as regular cleansing of your body is important for your health, cleansing your mind and your heart is integral to living a whole, fulfilling life. Bryant McGill, one of the leading experts in inspirational living, is someone I look to for inspiration and now, he’s got a brand-new book on finding your life’s purpose. The book is currently in pre-order mode but I’ve seen part of it and I can tell you it’s perfect for self discovery and emotional healing. You’re going to get to know yourself at a […]

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There has been a lot of controversy surrounding red meat in recent years, with some experts concerned that eating large amounts may increase the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes. While meat could be considered a natural food, its conventional processing often results in a food product that is far from natural or healthy. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm