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Lemon balm has a reputation as an incredible herb for supporting good health. Its name is attributed to its lemony scent. The plant's reputed effect on vigor and longevity are attributed to its popularity, and scientific studies have only served to reinforce its reputation. Let's take a close look at nine impressive health benefits of lemon balm. (more…)

Lovage, a member of the parsley family, is a widely-used herb in parts of Europe and southwest Asia. Its use in food and natural healing is nothing new, but it's also not usually first mentioned, so it isn’t surprising if you haven't heard of it. Lovage offers a number of health benefits, including supporting kidney health, fighting harmful organisms, and supporting joint health. (more…)

Your endocrine system is your main hormone regulator and endocrine disruptors are chemicals that throw it out of whack. Chemicals like BPA and phthalates are infiltrating our lives at an ever increasing rate. [1] [2] Considering that hormones control everything from metabolism to sleep, protecting it from disruption should be a top priority. (more…)

In yesterday’s post about water pollution, I talked about 7 things you might not know about the disastrous state of our water supply. Water, along with food and air, is a basic necessity. Without clean sources our health and environment suffers. Unfortunately, pollution is everywhere — even in the air we breathe and poor air quality causes a number of health concerns. Air Pollution: 8 Things You Should Know Air pollution has many sources – cigarette smoke, automobiles, and industrial chemicals are only a few things that pollute the air […]

Water is our most basic necessity and most precious resource. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most abused. Pollution of all sorts, at all levels, has long been a concern and there are a lot of sneaky things about water pollution you might've never realized. It's only when we realize the truth about water pollution that we can curb it. These 7 truly insane realities about water pollution will shock you. 7 Truths About Water Pollution 1. Industrial Pollution is Turning Water into Jelly Remember that classic Saturday Night Live […]

A bottle of Kava Calm