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Women's Health


Every once in a great while, a perfect child is born. One who never cries, sleeps all night, and gladly eats whatever food you choose to put in front of them. But unfortunately for most of us with children, developing lifestyle habits, such as a healthy appreciation for nutritious fruits and vegetables, usually requires years of continual work. (more…)

Heated battles have raged across the world’s dinner tables for about as long as anyone can remember. The topic of this unending debate? Vegetables. Despite their most valiant efforts many parents still struggle with their kids about eating their nightly serving of greens. Visiting your local farmers markets, fresher produce and more interesting/flavorful recipes have been helping to slowly turn the tide, but arming yourself with a little extra knowledge before going into battle doesn’t usually hurt either. (more…)

A vegan or vegetarian diet has long been promoted as a healthy lifestyle choice thanks to a mountain of evidence available to back it up. And now, there’s even more quantitative evidence. A recent report from University College of London reveals that eating seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day is linked to reduced mortality at any age. [1] (more…)

Your liver is your main detoxifying organ, and it can get bogged down from time to time depending on your diet, activity level, and environment. When an overload of toxins becomes too much for your liver to handle, toxic compounds can store within tissues and decrease your quality of health. Cleansing your liver can rev up your natural detox mechanisms. (more…)

Teff is one of the most nutritious alternative grains in the world. It offers calcium, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. It’s a great source of energy, protects bone health, and provides long-lasting satiation that can even help to support weight loss efforts. Compared with wheat, teff is higher in nutrients and easier on digestion, mainly because it is absent of gluten. If you take a close look, you’ll see just how this nutritional powerhouse can support your health. (more…)