Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

A bottle of Berberine


Water Does a Body Good Did you know over half of your body weight is made up of water? Water plays an enormous role in the human body function. Every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body occurs with the help of water. Water transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen and antibodies. It regulates body temperature, helps maintain muscle tone, and protects tissues, organs and joints from shock and damage. Water supports optimum gastrointestinal system function. Drinking adequate amounts of water facilitates the removal of toxins and waste from your body and […]

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Barcelona shows that organic tomatoes contain higher levels of phenolic compounds than conventional tomatoes [1]. Phenolic compounds are organic molecules with proven human health benefits and are found in many vegetables. This further substantiates previous research by the UB's Natural Antioxidant Group when they verified that organic tomato juice and ketchup contain higher polyphenol content than juice and ketchup made from conventionally grown tomatoes. (more…)

Findings presented at the American Association for Cancer Research’s semi-annual Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, suggest that a small daily portion of pistachio nuts may lower individual risk for developing lung and related cancers.[1] (more…)

For decades, doctors have been telling men they need to lose weight in order to reduce their risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other potentially life-threatening conditions. (more…)

Even though they're in almost everything we eat and drink, many people aren't exactly clear what the distinction is between vitamins and dietary minerals. We're told they're important and we need them to keep us healthy, but what's the difference? What Are Vitamins? Vitamins are organic compounds the human body needs but doesn't produce enough of on its own; getting them through food or supplementation is necessary. Without, vitamin deficiency may result and can seriously impact our overall health. There are two categories of vitamins our bodies need: water-soluble, and […]