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Women's Health


Mustard seeds may not look like anything special but they are actually loaded with nutrients and can be exceptionally beneficial for the human body. Mustard seeds are important for a variety of reasons and it’s used all across the globe for a variety of purposes – many of which are related directly to health and wellness. (more…)

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a therapeutic plant found in Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.[1] Also known as horse bristle, scouring rush, and shave grass, horsetail is a legitimate living fossil that even predates the dinosaurs. Some of these prehistoric plants grew to be 100-foot tall, towering, tree-like giants.[2] Today’s common horsetail, however, tops out at about four feet. Despite its shorter stature, there’s nothing small about the health benefits of horsetail. (more…)

Brazilian pepper tree is a shrubby tree that’s found on several continents, but native to Central and South America. The leaves and bark contain many active compounds including alkaloids and essential oil. The plant has a long history of use by peoples throughout its native area. Peruvians use the sap as a topical cleanser against germs, Argentinians use it for respiratory ailments and urinary tract irritations. In Brazil, extracts from the bark are used in herbal medicine to address cardiovascular concerns, harmful organisms, and fungus. (more…)

Gut health is a topic that's getting a lot of press lately and I think it’s about time. It's an understatement to say the importance of gut health is undervalued. The digestive system is where nutrients are absorbed and is the basis of a healthy body. If your digestive system is inefficient or your gut environment isn’t balanced, you might not get the most nutritional value from your food. (more…)

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Aloe vera, also known as Aloe barbadensis, has been a staple resource in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. While the plant originated in southern Africa, you can find it growing around the world in places as varied as the Mediterranean and the southern United States.[1] Traditional uses for Aloe vera include soothing burns, moisturizing skin, and helping small wounds heal. Aloe vera Benefits and Uses Many nutrients and health benefits are packed into this easy-to-maintain plant — over 200 different biologically active substances.[1] Because of its […]