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Women's Health


Most health-conscious people have heard of magnesium (Mg), but many of them don't know a whole lot about it. Compared to other vitamins and minerals, it tends to fly under the radar. But, it's a vital nutrient that's essential for good health. You may remember magnesium from the periodic table of scientific elements that was posted in your middle school science classroom. It plays a critical role in metabolism, and the body uses it for more than 300 biochemical reactions. Those processes support your immune system, promote a healthy nervous […]

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Calcium and magnesium are two macrominerals that are biologically intertwined at the cellular level — a sort of biological yin and yang, if you will. These minerals work together to promote optimal cell metabolism, and keeping them in balance helps ensure that you stay healthy. Both calcium and magnesium are considered macrominerals because the body needs more than 100 mg of each per day. While you can get these minerals from food, taking a calcium-magnesium supplement may help in certain circumstances. (more…)

Selenium (Se) is a trace mineral that supports your body in many ways. It contributes to reproductive health,[1] thyroid health,[2] and helps reduce DNA damage due to its antioxidant nature in certain forms.[3] Nuts, seeds, beans, and some vegetables are rich in selenium, but you can also take this essential micronutrient supplementally when your diet falls short. (more…)

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Iodine is an essential trace mineral that helps the brain function properly; it helps your body properly metabolize the energy from food. In women, it ensures breast and ovarian health, as well. The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 contain the iodine molecule, and these hormones regulate your body’s metabolism.[1] (more…)

Iodine is an essential mineral that the body requires for normal function because we do not produce it on our own.[1] For nearly a century, nascent iodine has been regarded as a more effective form of this essential mineral compared to other dietary iodine forms, such as potassium iodide. (more…)