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Women's Health

Plants for Health

Health awareness is increasing everywhere and so is the demand for healthy foods. Arguably, prepackaged and processed food unnecessarily pollute the can-be-simple process of providing our bodies with nutrition. In response, many people look to whole, raw foods that have traditional appreciation. If you want to avoid lab-experiment food, then just ask yourself, what did people eat before they started eating attractively packaged baked goo made from test tube ingredients? (more…)

A traditional, therapeutic herb native to India, brahmi (also known as Bacopa monnieri) is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac, and general tonic. [1] Its impact on cognitive performance has prompted a number of investigations into its positive benefits. Here are just a few of the health benefits attributed to brahmi. Benefits of Brahmi 1. Promotes Comfort Many diseases, brain and otherwise, are connected to chronic irritation and redness in the body. Plants like brahmi and turmeric have been studied extensively for their ability to fight […]

Olive oil, like wine, has been around forever. For people of the Mediterranean, it has had medicinal, even magical powers through the ages. The olive tree is considered a symbol of peace and glory. Olives were first cultivated in the eastern part of the Mediterranean around 5000 B.C. Cultivation spread to Turkey, Greece, and Egypt before it reached southern Italy, Africa, and southern France. Italy was producing olive oil by the first century A.D. (more…)

The other day we fielded a question from a customer who had wondered which herb was the best for promoting fresh breath. The implication was that if, for example, eucalyptus is extremely effective but spearmint is only half as effective, why dilute the efficacy of the eucalyptus with the less potent spearmint? That's a great question and answered in short by Aristotle, who said, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." (more…)

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A blemish on the tip of your nose, voluminous flatulence, and bad breath. What do they all have in common? They are all concerns that can affect your life- personally, professionally, and romantically. We're not going to cover skin care or healthy digestion in this article, but we are going to talk about bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis. Halitosis is any foul odor that emanates from the mouth. Halitosis can be caused by poor gum health, the food you eat, or the volatile sulphur compounds and other elements you're […]