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Women's Health


Vitamin C is often thought of as a sort of wonder supplement many of us turn to it when we start to feel sick. Whether it’s orange juice to ease a cold, or fizzy tablets as a pre-flight precaution, vitamin C is there when we need it. While it’s also no secret that children can benefit from vitamin C just as much as adults, new medical findings could mean that, for some kids, its effects are literally life changing. (more…)

In yesterday’s post about water pollution, I talked about 7 things you might not know about the disastrous state of our water supply. Water, along with food and air, is a basic necessity. Without clean sources our health and environment suffers. Unfortunately, pollution is everywhere — even in the air we breathe and poor air quality causes a number of health concerns. Air Pollution: 8 Things You Should Know Air pollution has many sources – cigarette smoke, automobiles, and industrial chemicals are only a few things that pollute the air […]

Osha, or Ligusticum porteri, (also called bear root) is an important perennial herb that inhabits the dry, upland meadows and ravines of the Rocky Mountain. The beneficial part of the osha plant is the root, which has long been used for cold, cough, and respiratory ailments. The root contains oils, including camphor, saponins, ferulic acid, terpenes, and phytosterols. Because of the range of mechanisms it has, osha root is, arguably, the best American herb for lung and throat concerns. (more…)

Poor appetite can be an indication of bowel disorders. Many people don't necessarily link the two in their minds, but it's true. (more…)

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