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Recently I talked about the dangers of lead and how, at one time, lead was used as heavily as plastic. Not anymore. Lead was discovered to be highly toxic and the use of it in products like paint, toys, and electronics drastically declined. There is concern now that we're in a similar position with plastic. Let's look at a few reasons why you might want to consider going completely plastic free. (more…)

Have you ever noticed how a new shower curtain smells? There is a distinctive odor in shower curtains pulled fresh from the packaging. This noxious odor is plastic softener, a potently hazardous chemical compound that may do more than soften shower curtains. (more…)

According to a report recently released by the Washington-based group Safer Chemicals, a pro environmental lobby made up of green businesses, health care advocates, and citizen activist groups showed BPA contamination of the U.S. paper money supply. (more…)

I’m sure just about everyone has heard of BPA, but many people are still confused about its presence and safety risk. Simply put, bisphenol-A is a synthetic compound used in plastic and epoxy resins. What does that really mean to you? Think about everyday items like water bottles, sports equipment, CDs, and DVDs. On the epoxy side, you might have BPA lining the inside of food cans and water pipes, or in thermal paper (the kind used in receipts). Studies indicate the majority of Americans test positive for BPA. [1] […]

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The negative health effects of BPA exposure have become regular headlines in the news. BPA, or bisphenol-A, is a chemical found in many common products, from cans and dental fillings to cash register receipts. Unfortunately, its exposure is associated with a range of health concerns including diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Now, new research has linked it to high blood pressure. (more…)

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