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April 22 is Earth Day — a day to generate appreciation for the Earth. As individuals, it’s an opportunity to reflect on our environmental impact and explore new and creative ways to conserve. On a larger scale, Earth Day reminds us of our collective desire to protect the environment, the Earth, and its resources for future generations. That mindset has directed the development of Global Healing as a company and shaped our offerings to our customers. (more…)

Many people don’t realize the number of toxins they are surrounded by in their homes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the air in homes and other buildings is usually more polluted than the air outdoors, even in major cities. With many new chemicals introduced to the world’s markets every year, household toxins are more prevalent now than ever before. These toxins are found in many household items, including mattresses, floors, furniture, and cosmetics. Ridding your house of these harmful substances can make your home healthier, happier, […]

Pollutants pervade almost every aspect of our environment. Air pollution is one of the biggest threats, and water pollution comes in at a very close second. Even the pollutants in our foods are contributing to a myriad of health concerns. Researchers believe external pollution may be implicated in cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, among other of the most pressing health concerns of our time. [1] Research is showing that persistent organic pollutants, or POPs, could be altering the gut microbiome and reducing the ratio of good to bad bacteria […]

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Much of China is heavily polluted and the air quality is especially terrible. Pollution levels in Beijing can sometimes get up to 20 times the limit set by the World Health Organization! [1] All this pollution could certainly be a dangerous factor when it comes to the products you buy, but it’s more than just toxic air. Many of the herbal and nutritional supplements you might get from China are produced in questionable conditions, and these products can potentially do more harm than good. (more…)

Despite being one of the most preventable conditions on the planet, obesity is, unfortunately, a hugely significant concern. According to the World Health Association, the global obesity rate has more than doubled since 1980. [1] Certainly diet and exercise can go a long way in supporting a healthy weight, but sometimes even that isn’t enough. According to government health charts, if you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, you’re considered obese. The BMI scale, however, is largely generalized and doesn’t take into account muscle weight. (more…)

Women's Health