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Pregnancy is tough. You’re exhausted, bloated, nauseous, broken out, and your feet and ankles are so swollen that they look like a hot water bottle with toes. As if creating life wasn’t enough of a challenge, over half of pregnant women must also contend with a backed up bowel. Constipation is likely to strike during the first and third trimesters, and it can last for weeks if you’re not proactive. (more…)

If you haven’t done the research, you might find yourself wondering if fasting is safe. You may have heard from people who’ve never even tried it that it’s crazy, dangerous, or just pointless. And yet, for thousands of years, many cultures have embraced fasting wholeheartedly. This ancient practice leads to numerous health benefits for most people — when done correctly. (more…)

Your health is only as good as the food you eat. Following a regular diet based on nutrient-rich, organic food is one of the best things you can do to age gracefully. Supplying your body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fatty acids can help you feel young and full of energy. (more…)

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You've heard you should drink eight glasses of water every day. While that's a good baseline for most people, the exact amount can vary depending on body size, physical activity, and other factors. [1] Sixty percent of your body is water and water is part of many, if not all, internal processes. [2] Water helps all your organs function properly, the body uses it as a joint lubricant, and it helps flush waste and toxins. Studies show that people who get more water have greater energy and focus more easily. […]

First identified in the 17th century, oxygen is a gaseous, non-metallic element that makes life possible. The chemist and physician John Mayow proved that oxygen was critical to lifeforms, and could be removed by a naked flame and respiration. A key indication of oxygen's supreme importance was realized when researchers demonstrated that mice could survive longer in air heated by mercury oxide rather than air heated by using a flame [which consumes oxygen]. They were able to prove that the depletion of "eminently breathable air," later termed oxygen, directly resulted […]

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