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Women's Health

Green Living

The fluoridation of our public water supply is continuing to elude many unsuspecting citizens, most of whom are being drugged with the neurotoxin without their knowledge. While the intentions of fluoridation may be good, its outdated use from misguided officials is consistently poisoning our bodies and our planet. In Austin, Texas, efforts are underway by me and other health professionals and medical doctors to urge the City Council to stop fluoridation of water. (more…)

Living in the 21st century, we know pollution is a big concern. Many of us pride ourselves in making responsible choices, but we also know the world’s pollution is bigger than just the two of us. That’s why I want to talk about something we don’t really think about: how pollution and toxins are a threat to our troops. (more…)

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According to a report recently released by the Washington-based group Safer Chemicals, a pro environmental lobby made up of green businesses, health care advocates, and citizen activist groups showed BPA contamination of the U.S. paper money supply. (more…)

Research by investigators at Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, in West Virginia, suggests that regularly eating a few ounces of walnuts could significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women [1]. (more…)

At Global Healing, we believe in having relationships founded on respect with the world around us. This initiative includes maintaining harmony in our work environment, providing help and support to our customers via our award winning customer service team, and only carrying products that are organic, natural, and have been ethically produced. (more…)

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