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Green Living

Fracking is a rising concern in the United States and all across the world. Media coverage has increased in recent years as research continues to mount on its negative impacts on the environment. Health effects of fracking have also received some attention, and many medical professionals are advocating for safer methods for extracting oil. Still, fracking continues to be practiced in certain areas of the country. Here are some shocking things you need to know about fracking. (more…)

The negative health effects of BPA exposure have become regular headlines in the news. BPA, or bisphenol-A, is a chemical found in many common products, from cans and dental fillings to cash register receipts. Unfortunately, its exposure is associated with a range of health concerns including diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Now, new research has linked it to high blood pressure. (more…)

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Not long ago, I discussed 12 ways toxins are sneaking into your life, and while I briefly mentioned the health dangers of flame-retardants, that was just the tip of the iceberg. There’s been a lot of talk lately about these chemicals: namely, that they don’t work as well as claimed. There’s even data suggesting that items treated with flame retardants and those untreated tend to burn at the same rate. So what benefits, if any, are these chemicals providing for us? [1] Well, they’re certainly not helping, and here are […]

In a short period of time, we've come a long way in understanding and recognizing the health dangers of mercury. It wasn't but just a generation or two ago that nearly every kid in school played with mercury in science class. Now, fortunately, we understand its danger and are a little less flagrant... but not completely. Mercury continues to be a serious health danger; let's take a look at five scary truths about mercury. (more…)

Pesticides are an increasing concern among populations all across the world. Even organic food, which is grown without the use of chemical additions, are suffering from the effects of pesticide overexposure. Not only are they harming our food, our bodies, and our environment, many pesticides may be nonessential when it comes to keeping crops safe from insects. Here are some of the shocking facts about pesticides that everyone should know. (more…)