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Women's Health

Hidden Dangers

Arsenic is an element that is extremely toxic to human health. Arsenic poisoning or arsenicosis occurs when someone is exposed to high levels of arsenic, typically by unknowingly ingesting it. Although uncommon, poisoning can occur by inhalation or through dermal absorption. [1] Despite this, or maybe because of it, humans have used arsenic in many capacities- as an insecticide, as a toxic agent of war, and even as a wood preservation. However, its use in countless industrial applications has contributed to pollution at all levels. Additionally, arsenic exists naturally in […]

Since bovine growth hormone received FDA approval in 1993, three disturbing health trends have emerged. Cancer cases continue to increase, obesity has become an epidemic and early onset puberty has become the norm. [1] [2] [3] Related? Maybe, maybe not. You can be the judge as you read through the following 8 facts about the substance known as BGH, or rBGH. Whatever conclusion you arrive at, you'll probably agree that keeping this substance far away from you and your family is good practice. (more…)

Fluoride is one of the most toxic substances known to man, yet based on its inclusion in virtually every brand of toothpaste, the American Dental Association believes it's okay to use fluoride for preventative dental care. Other products, such as bottled water, infant formulas, and even vitamin supplements, now contain fluoride! (more…)

Fluoridation, the process of adding fluoride to public water supplies in an effort to prevent cavities, has courted controversy since its introduction in the US during the 1940s. Now, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet has published a report that supports what opponents of fluoride have long been arguing. In essence, the journal article pointed to the fact that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin. (more…)

Fluoride was originally added to water supplies back around the time of the end of World War II, but this well-intended practice to improve dental health is still around today, and more and more people are recognizing the possible dangers. Certainly, a lot of people out there will tell you there’s no concern with fluoridated water, but these people are simply repeating outdated studies that are not backed by current evidence. (more…)