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Women's Health

Mind and Body

Shampoo seems like a harmless enough item but in reality, many shampoos contain dangerous chemicals that can be absorbed by your body. Parabens and sulfates are both commonly found in shampoo and interfere with the endocrine system. [1] With this reality staring us right in the face, it only makes sense to seek out healthier, all-natural options. Shampoo Ingredients to Avoid Shopping for shampoo and conditioner is like shopping for food – read the labels! Here's a few specific ingredients you need to look out for: Sodium Lauryl Sulfates: Known […]

If you've ever been in a sauna, then you know first hand how rejuvenating and invigorating a good sweat can be. Sweating is a form of detoxification and there may be no better place to stimulate this process than in the sauna. Sauna therapy developed in the Scandinavian region, specifically Finland, and is used for bathing, healing ailments, and even as a setting for childbirth. (more…)

Telomeres are the caps at the end of human DNA strands known as chromosomes that protect the DNA code of the genome. As humans age, telomeres begin to decrease in size, causing cellular aging. After telomeres reach a certain length, the cell is no longer able to divide and will die. This process has been associated with disease, aging, and death. Antioxidants are often credited as providing nutritional support that can help protect normal telomere size and function. (more…)

What could be healthier than the sweat on your brow of a great game of football or soccer? Sadly, playing on artificial turf, especially the kind used on college campuses and in the professional sports arena, may be connected to toxic cancerous material. (more…)

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactive disorder, is diagnosed through mere observation of symptoms and not by any sort of scientific testing. There are no brain scans, blood tests, or biological readings to determine the presence of ADHD, just a myriad of behavioral and psychological symptoms. [1] Although many of the symptoms arise from an underlying cause, most doctors who diagnose children and adults with ADHD tend to overlook the underlying health factors in lieu of prescribing an ADHD medication. Whether concentration issues are the result of an allergy, lack of […]