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Due to the extreme processes that milk goes through and the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substances that cows are continually exposed to, I believe there are real and eminent concerns associated with drinking milk from cows. All cows release toxins through their milk, as milk is a natural exit-portal for substances that the body cannot use. (more…)

It seems that every day we’re hearing about a new GMO food product getting ready to enter the market. A new brand of genetically-modified potato called Innate is one of those products, produced by one of the largest suppliers of potatoes for McDonald’s restaurants. These potatoes are used for french fries. Simplot, the company producing the new GM potato, is attempting to convince consumers that the product is not only safe, but provides important benefits. One of these benefits include the potato being bruise resistant, which really isn’t a benefit […]

Finding food that has not been genetically modified can be tricky. Unfortunately, the companies that produce GMOs have sold the public a box of rocks with the notion that GMOs are the answer to nature’s mistakes, namely pests, disease, and the natural spoiling process. Despite the aggressive approach exerted by large corporate agricultural bodies, research continues to mount against GMO crops. (more…)

Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are controversial in the US due to potential health risks and the concern that GM foods have not been adequately tested. Americans who do not wish to eat GM foods often search for grocery store products that are labeled as ‘natural,’ ‘organic,’ or ‘non-GMO.’ However, new evidence suggests that packaged products labeled as ‘natural’ are misleading. A recent food survey conducted by Consumer Reports has revealed that a majority of the US packaged foods labeled as ‘natural’ actually contain a substantial level of GM ingredients. (more…)

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Gluten intolerance occurs when the body, specifically the digestive tract, responds to the presence of gluten in food. The response can range from mild discomfort to serious medical complications. Awareness is continuing to rise regarding the concerns caused by gluten, even for people who do not suffer from a gluten allergy. (more…)

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