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Women's Health

Weight Loss

Almost 70% of adults in America are considered overweight, and 35% are classified as obese. If rates continue, and many experts believe they will, 75% of the population will be either overweight or obese by the year 2020. Anyone who glances at the statistics knows something is clearly not right. What could be causing this sharp rise in weight-related issues? (more…)

Losing weight has become a primary health concern for millions of people. If you have a few extra pounds, losing it can provide innumerable benefits to your body. Lowered blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, more energy, improved mood - it really is a no brainer. Unfortunately, at times, the desire to hurry progress leads some people down inappropriate paths. Using laxatives for weight loss is one such path; they are an unhealthy method for losing weight. (more…)

Obesity has been called a plague of the modern Western World. Each year in the United States alone, obesity is directly or indirectly responsible for billions of dollars of preventable medical treatment, and billions more are lost due to its negative impact on workplace output [1]. (more…)

If you're a heavy coffee drinker, consider trading it for tea instead. Tea can provide a huge array of health benefits and, if it's the caffeine you must have, may be a more "mild" substitute. (more…)

You want to lose weight, so you start trying to cut calories. The most obvious starting place seems to be switching from high-calorie foods with sugar to foods with zero calorie sweeteners, like aspartame. Better known by brand names, such as Equal, NutraSweet, and Spoonful, aspartame seems like a no-brainer. Fewer calories equals weight loss, right? (more…)