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A bottle of Berberine

Whole Body Wellness

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic sulfur-containing compound that occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains, animals, and even humans. MSM has earned a lot of attention for its use as a nutritional supplement. This is due to MSM’s reputation as a potent antioxidant booster that is believed to resist oxidative damage and swelling, especially after exercise and strenuous activities. [1] (more…)

Mulberries are delicious and nutritious, people all over the world enjoy it. Mulberries are a product of the Morus alba tree. Its leaves, which also contain nutrients and are even used as food for silkworms, are thin, glossy and light green; the fruit, like grapes, is red or white and grows in bunches called “drupes.” Benefits of Mulberries 1. Source of Antioxidants Antioxidants help lessen the damage caused by free radicals and the entire mulberry plant- leaves, stems, and fruit, contains antioxidants. [1] [2] One antioxidant in particular, resveratrol, has […]

As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. Because testosterone supports so many of the processes in a man's body, big changes occur when it's in short supply. "Andropause" (or "male menopause") is the term given to the overall process and symptoms that occur when testosterone levels decline. Andropause affects millions of men worldwide and is a common part of aging. (more…)

A recently published study by researchers at the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico shows that dietary supplementation of calcium and other vitamins may significantly reduce the risk of women developing breast cancer. If the researchers are correct, this seemingly simple information could help save countless women from the potentially disfiguring and deadly disease. (more…)

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