Gut Flora

5 Tips to Help You Restore and Maintain Your Gut Health

Bacteria in your gut might sound unpleasant, but your gut actually uses bacteria to process food into energy.[1] We call these helpful bacteria probiotics. Most people have heard the term in yogurt ads, but that’s about it. What are probiotics and what do they mean to your body?

It all starts in your gut! The gut is the system in your body responsible for digestion. Proper digestion is essential to your health and probiotics are essential to your gut. When bacteria are out of balance, it can cause complications such as:[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Top Ways to Promote Your Gut Health

Here are five awesome tips for promoting your gut health and well-being.

1. Take a Quality Probiotic

In 1907, Nobel Laureate Elie Metchnikoff introduced the concept of probiotics. He published a groundbreaking study that linked longevity with consuming fermented milk that contained Lactobacilli, a bacterial strain that produces lactic acid and helps maintain healthy intestinal microflora.[10, 11] Today, probiotic supplements are available at health food, grocery, and online stores. When choosing a probiotic, look for these qualities:

  • Probiotic supplements should contain 50 to 75 billion CFUs (colony forming units).
  • Encapsulated pills are better than liquids because they help the bacteria survive the acidic stomach environment.
  • Multiple strains of bacteria (different strains offer different benefits — some help with digestion of fiber, some help with vitamin absorption, some help promote bowel regularity).

Global Healing's Ultimate Probiotic is the probiotic I recommend. It's a blend of billions of live and active cultures from 25 probiotic strains and contains prebiotics for extra support.

2. Avoid Overuse of Antibiotics

Antibiotics kill bacteria. Although that includes the bad bacteria that can make you sick, it also includes the good bacteria your body needs. This disruption of intestinal harmony can cause a lack of diversity among bacteria that can affect your health.[12]

3. Incorporate Fermented Foods Into Your Diet

Fermented foods can introduce good bacteria to your gut, but know that it's better to make your own. Store-bought options are usually pasteurized, which kills good bacteria. Some of the best-fermented foods for promoting gut health include:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Kimchee
  • Kombucha

4. Eat Less Refined Sugar

Among the many issues caused by refined sugar (inflammation, weight gain, hormonal imbalance), it also promotes the growth of bad bacteria and upsets gut flora balance.[13]

5. Lower Your Stress Levels

Much like the spinal cord, neurons cover your intestinal wall where they send information throughout your body. The existence of the brain/gut connection makes it clear that stress can be linked to gut health.[14, 15] When stressed, your brain sends messages to your gut in the form of chemicals. These chemicals affect how well your gut works.

5 Tactics to Reduce Stress That Will Support Gut Health

1. Meditation

It’s amazing how much better you can feel about things if you just take some time to stop, breathe, and concentrate. If you need to use a mantra, go for it! For more information, check out our meditation guide.

2. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy harnesses the power of plant-sourced essential oils. Many people attest that this ancient, traditional practice helps them manage stress.

3. Exercise

Physical activity affects stress and mood.[16] If you’re feeling stressed, being active can help you overcome it!

4. Diet

What you eat can have a significant impact on your gut health. Stress-relieving foods can help.

5. Laughter

Laughter can relieve stress by producing endorphins and lowering the stress hormone cortisol.[17] Find a funny friend or turn on a comedy to produce a relieving chuckle. Your gut will thank you!

Bonus: Cleanse and Nourish Your Gut

Supplements are an excellent option for maintaining a healthy gut. You can find individual supplements based on your specific needs, but opting for a complete bundle of gut health supplements could save you money.

Global Healing’s own Gut Health Kit™ combines our very best supplements for overall gut health. It contains Ultimate Enzymes, a digestive aid that provides your gut with the enzymes it needs to properly process proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and other essential nutrients. It also includes Oxy-Powder®, which cleanses your gut and helps flush your digestive system of accumulated toxins and waste, as well as Global Healing's Aloe Vera to soothe and comfort your gut while encouraging nutrient absorption. Finally, the kit includes Ultimate Probiotic to balance your microbiome with a comprehensive blend of live probiotics and prebiotics.

You can also enhance the power of the Gut Health Kit with optional upgrades — Turmeric to help your colon heal itself at a cellular level and organic raw apple cider vinegar to promote regularity and aid in detoxification.

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