
Achieve Your 2013 Fitness Goals

Happy New Year! 2012 was great year at Global Healing and a great year altogether, now after the holidays and vacation, it's time to get down to business and hit the ground running in 2013. If you're like most people, you've probably been kicking around a couple ideas of improvement to implement as new years resolutions. A new year does bring new opportunities, a refreshed mind, and an eagerness to achieve some goals. For many folks, those goals involve losing a few pounds. In fact, I'd place a gentleman's bet that the majority of new years resolutions are weight loss oriented.

Everyone Is Exercising

At least that's what the pundits lead me to believe. Al Roker was on the Today show this morning discussing his story of weight loss triumph, backslide, and comeback. Yesterday on the radio I heard a story about an expected increase in gym membership sales this month. I've heard other similar news pieces over the week. All had a different angle on losing weight, but each also warned of the tendency for exercise plans to fizzle out and for new, healthy eating habits to never escalate beyond temporary. Just as it can be really hard to break a comfortable old habit, it can be really hard to start a strenuous new one.

Suit Up!

With all goals, it's important to set yourself up for success, and setting yourself up for success in maintaining an exercise plan involves accepting that your physical activity and health is a serious responsibility. One way to accept responsibility is by donning a uniform. A uniform for exercising? Absolutely. Olympic athletes don't show up in worn out basketball shorts and a t-shirt from a 2002 company picnic and neither should you.

Get the Best

If you'd like to commit to health in 2013, I'd like to introduce and invite you to exercise in one of our brand new, just released, amazing Global Healing t-shirts! Made of organic bamboo and cotton, these t-shirts are ultra soft and ultra comfortable. I don't think you can find a softer, higher quality t-shirt; and that's including what you'll find at high-end boutiques. Each sports the credo to help you achieve success: Live. Breath. Cleanse. Repeat! Get two and have one to lounge in!

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