Healthy Foods

The Health Benefits of Parsley

Most people are familiar with parsley as a food garnish that's used as a mere decoration and usually discarded. But, did you know that when it comes to herbs that promote superior body cleansing, parsley is one that’s high on the list? Toxins, chemicals, and toxic metals – none stand a chance against this nutritional powerhouse. [1] It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and ascorbic acid, and its benefits have been known for centuries.

How Parsley Helps Cleanse Your Body

Similarly to cilantro, parsley acts as a natural diuretic. [2] Your urine is a route through which toxins are expelled from your body, so incorporating parsley to help this natural process along may prove useful for cleansing. Parsley is also a strong liver supporter, particularly in the presence of diseases like diabetes and liver disease. [3] [4] In fact, there’s evidence to suggest that parsley can help benefit other concerns like IBS or a UTI. Its high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K stimulates immune-bolstering properties in the body, potentially guarding against harmful organisms. [5] One caveat is to avoid parsley during pregnancy, as it’s been associated with promoting menstrual flow.

Other Health Benefits of Parsley

Parsley is soothing to irritated tissue and has potent antioxidant capabilities. Its naturally occurring eugenol content may also help reduce blood glucose levels. It is incredibly rich in vitamin K as well as A, C, and several B vitamins. [6] Some preliminary research shows parsley contains something called “apigenin,” which has shown positive effects on supporting immune health. [7] Its fiber content may also help with regularity.

What’s the Best Source of Parsley?

Finding a good source of parsley is like finding a good source of any other herb. It’s easy to grow if you’ve got a garden space, and you must absolutely purchase organic if you will be consuming it. The herb holds onto pesticides more so than other foods, so always seek out one that has the USDA organic certification. Parsley is also available as a supplement – usually dried or concentrated. We’ve included it in the formulation of Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse our solution for chemical detoxing. If you’re looking for a way to harness the cleansing abilities of parsley, Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse is a great product with strong reviews.

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