Kidney and Urinary

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Kidney Stones: 5 Facts to Know

High-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS for short, is a sweetener commonly used in processed foods. It’s included in many foods that one would least suspect, like bread, crackers, pasta sauces, and even pickles. Groups like the Corn Refiner’s Association and companies whose products contain high fructose corn syrup continue to market it as a safe, almost "natural" product. The truth, however, is that studies have shown serious health issues arise from consuming this stuff, including kidney stones.

HFCS and Kidney Stones: What’s the Connection?

Recent research shows that kidney stones are more likely to occur in men, women, and even children who consume HFCS; kidney stones that would otherwise be preventable. Here are 5 facts you need to know to protect yourself and your loved ones against HFCS-induced kidney stone formation.

1. Eating Fructose Increases the Risk of Kidney Stones

Don’t be fooled by industry-fueled marketing campaigns – fructose isn't good stuff and consuming it increases your risk of developing kidney stones. The National Kidney Foundation warns that, "eating too much fructose correlates with increasing the risk of developing a kidney stone." [1] What’s more, a study evaluating data from over 200,000 people determined those who consumed the most refined fructose had a much greater chance of developing kidney stones. [2] Only the refined fructose showed the correlation, with the non-fructose carbohydrates showing no relation to kidney stones.

2. Drinking Soda Makes You Especially Vulnerable

Keeping hydrated is an important part of avoiding kidney stones. But, soda tainted with high fructose corn syrup is a poor choice and drinking it offers virtually no benefit. In fact, a study from Harvard found that people who regularly drank soda had a 33% greater risk of kidney stones; results backed up by other studies as well. [3] [4] Avoiding soda is an easy way to help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones.

3. Fructose Can Metabolize Into Oxalate

Oxalate stones are a type of kidney stones that some individuals are naturally predisposed to developing. Their bodies convert fructose into oxalate at a faster rate. This increases the amount of oxalate in the blood, which can mix with calcium in the kidneys to form stones. I wouldn't call it an allergy to HFCS but it's along those lines.

4. Increases Risk of Uric Acid Stones

Manufactured fructose increases the amount of uric acid excreted in urine; natural fructose from fruit does not. [5] High levels of uric acid, or hyperuricemia, encourage kidney stone formation and gout. Researchers have specifically noted elevated levels of uric acid caused by HFCS have been directly linked to metabolic syndrome, a condition identified by obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and renal failure. [6] [7] Avoid fruit juices and sodas containing HFCS, corn syrup, and other artificial sweeteners to possibly reduce risk.

5. This Garbage Causes Kidney Stones in Kids as Young as 3

As unbelievable as it sounds, it’s completely true. More and more young children, and I mean under the age of 5, are developing kidney stones. Despite the increasing number of children suffering from this condition, researchers only acknowledge the modern diet of highly processed foods as the main contributing factor. [8] However, parents and doctors both report that when HFCS is removed from the diet, the kidney stones go away.

The Fix: Reduce Your HFCS Exposure

Among the best methods for discouraging kidney stones are drinking plenty of water, watching your calcium intake, and reducing your intake of salt, protein, and oxalate-rich foods. These are all worthwhile steps and one additional prudent action would be to eliminate HFCS, corn syrup, and other manufactured chemical additives from your diet. The Corn Refiners Association may not want you to hear it, but the science supports it.

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