The Life and Secrets of Water

Every system in the body depends on water. [1] Enzyme production, digestion, detoxification, even the beating of your heart are all processes that require water. Water is a solvent for minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Water is essential for the elimination of waste. Water is involved with everything and there's a good reason "drink more water" is advice that's frequently dispensed.

More than being a facilitator of life, water is also a medium and it has a memory. It's able to carry and retain information that's sometimes referred to as the energy signature or vibrational imprint. This energy can be positive or negative and may be passed on when the water is consumed.

A structured water molecule of spring water of Saijo, Japan

An unstructured water molecule of Biwako Lake in Japan where pollution is prevalent

A structured water molecule of spring water of Sanbu Ichi Yusui, Japan

An unstructured water molecule of Yodo River, Japan. This river passes through most of the major cities in Kasai

A structured water molecule from Antarctic Ice

An unstructured water molecule from Fountain in Lourdes, France

An unstructured water molecule of Fujiwara Dam before a prayer offering

A structured water molecule of Fujiwara Dam after an offering of prayer

In The Message from Water, Masaru Emoto tested the effect of different types of music on water structure. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours and photographed the crystals that formed after the water froze.

Structured water molecule after being exposed to Beethoven's Pastorale

A structured water molecule after being exposed with Kawachi Folk Dance Music

A structured water molecule after being exposed to Bach's ‘Air For the G String’

Activated water molecule after being exposed to Heavy Metal music

A structured water molecule after being exposed to Tibet Sutra music

Mr. Emoto and colleagues also tested how thoughts and words affected water by typing words on paper and taping it to the bottles overnight; the same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The water was frozen and photographed.

An unstructured water molecule of untreated distilled water

An unstructured water molecule after exposure to negative language phrase: ‘You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You.’

A structured water molecule after exposure to positive language phrase: ‘Love and Appreciation.’

An unstructured water molecule after exposure to negative language with name of negative deceased person ‘Adolf Hitler’ placed on glass container of water

A structured water molecule after exposure to positive language with name of positive deceased person ‘Mother Teresa’ placed on glass container of water

A structured water molecule after treatment with positive intent phrase ‘Thank You’ placed on glass container of water

Water for Your Health

These images are interesting proof that energy and vibrations truly do have an influence. If energy can be imprinted into water, and your body is over 70% water, it stands to reason that you will become the energy by which you're surrounded.

Consistent hydration is important for your health, especially as you age. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi made the association that muscle tissue, cartilage, connective tissue, and skin can degrade and become less pliable due to dehydration. [2]

Take an active approach to staying hydrated and make sure the water you consume is purified. There are a number of ways water can be purified; among the most effective is distillation. Because it's "hungry", distilled water can be especially helpful when you're performing a cleanse or detoxifying. The distillation processes removes trace minerals that can be replaced by adding three tablespoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar to one gallon of distilled water.

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