Healthy Foods

Raw Pecans: Discover 7 Health Benefits of Pecans

In my opinion, among nuts, pecans are the best and have been one of my favorite snacks for years; they’re also one of the healthiest. In fact, after looking at 277 different nuts and foods, USDA researchers say pecans are the most antioxidant-rich nut around. On top of this, pecans deliver more oleic acid than olive oil, contain 90% unsaturated (heart-healthy) fats, are low sodium, cholesterol free, contain essential vitamins and minerals, and have important alpha and gamma-tocopherol forms of vitamin E.

All of this adds up to a powerful little nut with big health benefits! Here we will explain 7 of the major health benefits of pecans.

Top Benefits of Pecans

1. Heart Support

Men and women who regularly eat nuts have lower rates of heart disease, according to researchers.[1] Antioxidants like those in Pecans neutralize free radicals before they can corrupt low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and other proteins that block your arteries, making them stiff and rigid. This reduces stress on your heart and keeps it strong as you age.

2. Fights Inflammation

Pecans are similar to other nuts by potentially soothing internal irritation. Here are some of the ways it does this:

  • The alpha- and gamma tocopherol versions of vitamin E are two of most powerful antioxidants around. These discourage the cellular damage that leads to irritation.
  • The magnesium in pecans reduces the presence of specific markers, such as C-reactive protein and Interleukin-6, and protects against widespread irritation within the body.
  • Provides omega-3 fatty acids.

Plus, pecans have vitamins A, C, the B-complex, and vitamin K, not to mention calcium, zinc, and potassium. As you soothe irritation, you reduce your risk of heart disease, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease – all diseases linked to internal irritation and swelling.

3. Fights Cancer?

It’d be overzealous to say pecans are the answer to cancer, but one important antioxidant in pecans has shown some promise in overall prevention. Studies show gamma tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant and one of the most potent forms of vitamin E, protects men against prostate cancer. Research from Purdue University suggests vitamin E offers protection against lung cancer too.[2]

4. Anti-Aging

When your cells work right, you age more gracefully. That’s why everyone’s always talking about antioxidants. And that’s what research continues to show. A recent five-year French study reported those who consumed antioxidant-rich foods and supplements enjoyed better health as they aged, especially men.[3] Pecans make it easy. They’re nutritious, tasty, and make a great snack. And you don’t need to eat a ton – a handful of pecans every now and then will do the trick.

5. Weight-loss

Nuts like pecans contain the vitamins, unsaturated fats, minerals, and fatty acids you need in a small, low-calorie serving. When combined, all these nutrients will help you lose weight and keep it off. According to a National Health study from 2005-2010, adults who eat nuts regularly have a smaller waist size and lower Body Mass Index (BMI) than those who don’t.[4]

6. Cholesterol

Beta-sitosterol, a plant chemical, reduces blood cholesterol levels. In pecans, beta-sitosterol makes up 90% of these antioxidant plant chemicals. Studies show whole pecans lower LDL cholesterol by 30% within 2 hours of eating them, and regular consumption lowers overall cholesterol levels.[5, 6]

7. Blood Pressure

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports tree nuts, like pecans, help with blood pressure management. Researchers reported nuts significantly lower blood pressure in participants who did not suffer from diabetes.[7] Now that’s not to say diabetics didn’t benefit from the nuts, just that they didn’t show the same blood pressure control as the other participants.

Perspective: Nutritional Facts of Pecans

How many pecans should you eat? Should you eat whole pecans or pecan halves? And how many calories are in a serving? Here’s a table to help you decide the best serving size for your nutrition needs.

Nutrient 1 Cup Chopped 1 Cup Halves 1 oz (19 Halves)
Water 3.84g 3.48g 1g
Calories 753kcal 684kcal 196kcal
Protein 10g 9.08g 2.6g
Total fat 78.45g 71.25g 20.4g
Carbohydrate 15.11g 13.72g 3.93g
Fiber 10.5g 9.5g 2.7g
Sugars 4.33g 3.93g 1.13g
Calcium, Ca 76mg 69mg 20mg
Iron, Fe 2.76mg 2.5mg 0.72mg
Magnesium, Mg 132mg 120mg 34mg
Phosphorus, P 302mg 274mg 79mg
Potassium, K 447mg 406mg 116mg
Sodium, Na 0mg 0mg 0mg
Zinc, Zn 4.94mg 4.48mg 1.28mg
Vitamin C 1.2mg 1.1mg 0.3mg
Thiamin 0.719mg 0.653mg 0.187mg
Riboflavin 0.142mg 0.129mg 0.037mg
Niacin 1.272mg 1.155mg 0.331mg
Vitamin B-6 0.229mg 0.208mg 0.06mg
Folate, DFE 24µg 22µg 6µg
Vitamin B12 0µg 0µg 0µg
Vitamin A, RAE 3µg 3µg 1µg
Vitamin A, IU 61IU 55IU 16IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 1.53mg 1.39mg 0.4mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 0µg 0µg 0µg
Vitamin D 0IU 0IU 0IU
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 3.8µg 3.5µg 1µg
Fatty acids, total saturated 6.736g 6.118g 1.752g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 44.473g 40.393g 11.567g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 23.559g 21.398g 6.128g
Cholesterol 0mg 0mg 0mg

How to Get the Most from Pecans

When it comes to any food, organic is best. They are not coated in harmful pesticides and herbicides, so look for raw, organic pecans for the greatest benefits. Eat them right from the bag as a snack or crush them and toss them on a salad.

If you find raw pecans hard to digest, don’t worry, you can still enjoy them. Here’s what to do:

Take 4 cups of raw pecans and put them in a large bowl. Cover them with filtered water and mix in a tablespoon of sea salt. Cover and let it sit for about 8 hours. Then drain, and spread them on a baking sheet. Heat them in your oven at the lowest temperature and stir them around a few times to dry them evenly.

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