
15 Must-Know Facts About Iodine

It is not an understatement to say our existence, and the quality of our lives depends on having adequate iodine levels.[1] Despite this, mainstream medicine generally ignores the importance of this element. The following fifteen facts will reveal how important iodine is and how much better your life can be with balanced levels of this life-giving element.

Facts About Iodine

Length: 2 minutes

15 Must-Know Facts About Iodine

1. Iodine Is an Essential Element

The thyroid creates hormones to regulate metabolism and cellular function. The two most important hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), require iodine for formation. Without iodine, the thyroid underproduces these hormones, leading to hypothyroidism and other metabolic disorders.[2]

2. Iodized Salt Is Not a Good Source of Iodine

Most table salt has been iodized to eliminate iodine deficiency. Unfortunately, the process of manufacturing this salt can include adding artificial versions of iodine and other chemicals, making it anything but healthy. Plus, to make it white, most table salt is bleached. Dietary iodine can be found in better sources. As far as salt goes, I recommend Himalayan crystal salt.

3. Iodine Deficiency Remains a Concern

Much of the world continues to experience iodine deficiency.[3] While many developing countries lack adequate dietary iodine, people in western countries are increasingly at risk of iodine deficiency from diets based on processed foods. More and more food is grown in iodine-deficient soil, and processed food can introduce toxic compounds that disrupt the body's absorption of iodine.

4. Iodine Deficiency & Breast Cancer Are Linked

Although breast cancer has a number of causes and taking an iodine supplement is not a cancer-preventative, studies have shown a correlation between breast cancer and thyroid disorders.[4] The thyroid gland and breasts require iodine to function properly. People in countries with higher consumption of iodine-rich foods, particularly women who eat seaweed, experience such issues less frequently.[5]

5. There Are Many Good Dietary Sources of Iodine

Most foods rich in iodine come from the sea. Sea vegetables like dulse seaweed, kelp, arame, kombu, nori, sea palm, and wakame are some of the richest sources of iodine. Other sources include fish seafood, eggs, raw milk, dark leafy greens, and prunes. If you choose a plant-based diet, you may want to supplement with iodine, particularly if you are not a fan of seaweed.

6. "Iodine Allergies" Are Not Caused by Iodine

While many doctors mistakenly refer to iodine allergies, rest assured no one has exhibited an allergy to this vital nutrient. Most allergies attributed to iodine result from a response to iodine-based radio-contrast media "dye" used to sharpen images from x-rays or CT scans.[5] Also, "iodine allergies" associated with seafood occur as reactions to proteins in the seafood, not as a reaction to iodine.

7. Iodine Helps Fight Harmful Organisms

Iodine has been used for centuries as a means to address harmful organisms. Many hospitals use iodine to maintain a sterile environment.[6]

8. Iodine Protects the Thyroid From Radiation

During a nuclear event, radiation in the form of iodine-131 can be released into the air. Exposure to this radioactive isotope can result in thyroid damage and hypothyroidism.[7] The only way to protect the thyroid is to take non-radioactive iodine, such as atomic iodine, to flood the thyroid with a healthy, stable isotope. This prevents the absorption of the radioactive iodine by the thyroid.

9. Pregnancy Exacerbates Iodine Deficiency

During pregnancy, women require higher amounts of iodine to meet their daily requirements and that of the developing fetus. If not properly addressed, mild iodine deficiency can cause thyroid imbalance and hypothyroidism that can become a chronic concern, even post-partum.[8]

10. Adequate Iodine Prevents Goitrogenic Effects

Goitrogens are compounds that inhibit hormone creation by the thyroid. These compounds can be found in foods, including otherwise-healthy cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli. While most people do fine eating goitrogenic foods, when people with thyroid conditions eat them, it can lead to goiter and hypothyroidism. Iodine therapy has been recommended and used to address the complications created by these compounds and help the body speed their removal.[9, 10]

11. Inadequate Iodine Leads to Slowed Development

Health authorities discovered years ago that iodine deficiency, especially during fetal growth, leads to intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dietary supplementation with iodine after birth and during childhood has been shown not to counteract the result of iodine deficiency while in utero.[11] Maintaining appropriate iodine levels during pregnancy (and supplementing when appropriate) is an essential way to support proper brain development.

12. Medications Interrupt Iodine-Thyroid Function

Medications that use or mimic iodine can interrupt thyroid function. Some drugs like amiodarone can lead to hyperthyroidism (the overproduction of thyroid hormones).[12] Other drugs that can impact thyroid hormone metabolism include interferon and dopamine.[13]

13. Iodine Encourages Detoxification

Healthy levels of iodine prevent toxic chemicals such as fluorine, chlorine, and bromine from interfering with thyroid function.[14] Exposure to these chemicals is frequent as they are found in food, water, and household chemicals. Iodine supplementation helps prevent these chemical toxins from accumulating in the body. This allows the body to pass these toxins out of the system.

14. Iodine Rejuvenates Skin From the Inside Out!

Iodine promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair.[15] It stimulates cellular function, resulting in the regeneration of the lower layers of these cells. By rejuvenating the skin from the inside out, so to speak, iodine encourages a smooth complexion, lustrous hair, and strong nails.

15. Atomic Iodine Is the Ideal Supplement

Many iodine supplements contain potassium iodide. The body has to break up this iodide form into its components (which requires energy and produces byproducts) before it can be used. Atomic iodine delivers the atomic form — the same bioavailable form the thyroid uses for hormone creation. This helps to maximize the absorption of the iodine supplement.

Everything You Need to Know About Iodine

Length: 61 minutes

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